Custom Shop

Custom Spec/Feature
Color: Black
Magnet: A2, A3, A4, A5, Ceramic
Wire: PE42, PE43, SPN42, SPN43, SPN44
Price: $199 (+$10 and $20 for Nickel and Gold Cover)
Are you interested in exploring a tone domain that is not covered by the Classic, Modern or Inspire series? Contact us for your needs, which may be something like...
Adjusting output/treble/bass of an existing SETbucker model. A simple rule of thumb is... more output, more mid/bass and less treble.
Combinations in magnet, coil wire, turns, etc, of your choice
Unique or crazy pickups like slug-only bobbins with different wires, and with inner-coils on both.
Pickups for a 7 string guitar. For now it is made only through custom shop.
Mimicking your favorite pickups with the SET feature. After checking feasibility, we will try to wind the pickup as close to your favorite pickup spec as possible. Note that it applies only to those pickups that have the form factor of traditional Patent Applied For pickups, i.e, made of slugs and screws.
​​Some of custom shop pickups through a mimicking path might "graduate" into the Inspire series. The existing Inspire models are pre-graduates from our own interests. I-1 and I-2 were inspired by Greco Dry Z and Seymour Duncan JB models, respectively
Single Coil Pickups
Scatter Winding
Cover Color: Black, White
Magnet: A2, A3, A4, A5, Ceramic
Wire: HFV42, PE42, PE43, SPN42, SPN43
Price: Strat $99, Tele $109
All custom shop single coil pickups are hand-wound (scatter-wound) while MP is machine-wound. They can be wound in the existing pickup specs, which would be a safe choice, or can be wound per requests like:
Adjusted output/treble/bass of an existing S or T model. A simple rule of thumb is the same as SETbucker... more output, more mid/bass and less treble.
Mimic pickups from specific era or existing pickup models. The S models are basically wound after 50-60's Strat pickups. On the other hand, 70's Strat pickups were slightly under-wound than 60's pickups with PE wire (50-60's uses HFV wire) using flat pole pieces. Over-wound pickups are also quite popular these days due to its warm and smooth drive tone while retaining the bell-like sound trait.